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replacing inner text of an invalid xml file

I want to replace inner text of the tag of an XML file. The XML file I have is not well formed so we cannot use LINQ-TO-XML. Is there another way to accomplish this?

<conf-start ISO-8601-date="2011-05-31"><day>31</day><month>Jan</month><year>2011</year></conf-start>

Within the XML file I just want to replace Jan to 01. Note : The month name can change in different files and also the


Can change. So basically is it possible to find the expression to replace the above line in an invalid XML file.

i tried this,

Dim filePath As String = TextBox1.Text
    Dim directory1 As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)
    Dim split As String() = filePath.Split("\")
    Dim parentFolder As String = split(split.Length - 2)
    Dim yourXml = XDocument.Load(TextBox1.Text & "\" & parentFolder & ".xml").Root

    ' Change each monthname to the number of the month
    For Each elem In yourXml...<conf-start>.<day>.<month>
        elem.Value = DateTime.ParseExact(elem.Value, "MMMM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Month

    ' save file
    yourXml.Save(TextBox1.Text & "\" & parentFolder & ".xml")

but in some files i get errors such as xlink is an undeclared prefix and in some other files i get different errors

Try This

Dim y = "<conf-start iso-8601-date=""2011-05-31""><day>31</day><month>Jan</month><year>2011</year></conf-start>"

   Dim Match = Regex.Match(y, "<month>([^>]*)<\/month>").Groups(1).ToString
   Regex.Replace(y, Match, DateTime.ParseExact(Match, "MMM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Month.ToString)

It will give you OP Like

<conf-start iso-8601-date="2011-05-31"><day>31</day><month>01</month><year>2011</year></conf-start>

try this code :

    Dim ds As New DataSet

    If Not ds Is Nothing Then
        ds.Tables("conf-start").Rows(0)("month") = DateTime.ParseExact(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("month"), "MMM", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Month.ToString
    End If

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