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How to find C# Assembly Project References in other Projects within Solution using Resharper?

I'm troubleshooting code in a C# .Net Data Access Class Library (ieAssembly) that my Team wrote. Let's call this project DAL.csproj . This project is inside a very large Visual Studio 2012 solution (50+ projects) consisting of several WCF services, a proxy service library that proxies calls between various WCF services, a Winforms application and a whole bunch of other C# Projects.

I need to find out in what other C# Projects the DAL.csproj project is referenced in (ie has been added as a Project reference), using Visual Studio or Resharper. (I'm guessing this feature is not built in inside Visual Studio 2012, hence I am trying with Resharper).

I tried right clicking the DAL.csproj project inside Visual Studio, and did not find any context menu to find Usages / References ie where all this DAL.csproj is referenced in.

Just to be clear, I need to find out which other C# Projects inside my solution have added a Project reference to the DAL.csproj Project in the same solution.

Versions of software: Visual Studio 2012 SP4. Resharper 8.1

Right click on References folder and select Optimize References . You will see what code is dependent on it.

The NDepend tool can draw you a diagram of assembly dependencies, if that's an option for you. R# won't help you much in that specific scenario.

I think there is two ways in VS 2012 itself:

1 - right-click your solution in the solution explorer and select 'Project Dependencies'
2 - Select Architecture > Generate Dependency Graph from the file menu. (This might be a premium / ultimate feature)

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