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Trouble referencing a file in a visual studio project on a unit test

I'm having quite a bit of trouble in resolving an issue dealing with referencing a custom text file in my project. NOTE: the file contains text, but its of a custom type '.rit'

I'm currently building and running some test cases for a new application and one of them involves reading a file that resides in a sample folder of my project called 'TestFiles'. At first, I ran the test locally using the absolute path of the file and it ran with no issues. However, I am using TFS to check in my code and once the test runs in the server it fails immediately because it can't locate the file, which was obvious because I was using an absolute path to a file in my local drive, so I NEED to change how the test accesses this file to make it work both locally and on the server.

I've looked at a look of examples as I was looking for help but none seem to work... I've tried:


      [DeploymentItem(@"TestProject\TestFiles\test file.rit", "TestData")]
    public void LoadFileTest()
        //Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists("test file.rit"));

        var obj = new obj();
        var tstFile = @"TestData\\test file.rit";
        var file = new StreamReader(tstFile);


The hierarchy of the file is: Solution\\TestProject\\TestFiles\\test file.rit and I made sure to set the Copy to Output to "copy always"

Adding it as a Resource:

    //[DeploymentItem(@"TestProject\\TestFiles\\test file.rit", "TestData")]
    public void LoadFileTest()
        //Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists("test file.rit"));

        var obj = new obj();
        var tstFile = Properties.Resources.test_file;
        //this one throws an error however because it says the type of tstFile is now
        //a byte[] instead of a stream reader
        *var file = new StreamReader(tstFile);*


I'm not very experienced in this one, so I might be doing something wrong... If anyone could please enlighten me or give me some guidance as to where else I could look for help I would GREATLY appreciate it!


EDIT: I have found out my TestData folder I'm specifying to be copied in the DeploymentItem path is not being created/copied to the Out folder of the test run. I'm starting to think this is more of a settings file problem, here's the contents of my settings file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <!-- Configurations that affect the Test Framework -->
     <!-- Path relative to solution directory -->

      <!-- [x86] | x64  
       - You can also change it from menu Test, Test Settings, Default Processor Architecture -->

      <!-- Framework35 | [Framework40] | Framework45 -->

      <!-- Configurations for data collectors -->
      <DataCollector friendlyName="Code Coverage"         uri="datacollector://Microsoft/CodeCoverage/2.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Coverage.DynamicCoverageDataCollector, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TraceCollector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a">


       <!-- Adapter Specific sections -->

       <!-- MSTest adapter -->


When using the @ modifier you shouldn't escape the backslashes. So use either [DeploymentItem("TestProject\\\\TestFiles\\\\test file.rit", "TestData")] or [DeploymentItem(@"TestProject\\TestFiles\\test file.rit", "TestData")] . The second version is preferable.

From my experience, if a file is added to the project at its root level, then it can be referenced just by [DeploymentItem("file.xyz")] in the test case. So in your case [DeploymentItem(@"TestFiles\\test file.rit", "TestData")] should be fine.

You also need to remember to "Enable deployment" in "Solution items" -> Local.testsettings:


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