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Why does the function name inside a named function in JavaScript no longer refer to the function itself?

Consider the following named function:

function f() {
    return f.apply(this, arguments);

If you call this function normally it would result in a stack overflow as expected. Not very interesting. So let's do some magic:

var g = f, f = alert;

Now if you call f it will simply alert the first argument. However if you call g it will still alert the first argument. What's happening? Shouldn't calling g result in a stack overflow?

What I understand is that inside the function f (now g ) the variable f is no longer bound to f . It becomes a free variable. Hence inside f the variable f now points to alert .

Why does this happen? I would expect the function name inside a named function to always refer to the function itself. I'm not complaining. It's actually pretty cool. I'm just curious.

When you do:

var g = f

This is effectively the same as:

var g = function () {
    return f.apply(this, arguments);

However, since you reassigned f it no longer points to the original function, it now points to alert . Looks like it's working as designed.

As mentioned by other answers, it's as designed. Basically, apart from hoisting, the declaration is doing this:

var f = function () {
    return f.apply(this, arguments);

That is to say, the value of f is not resolved at the declaration but rather during the function call. Which is why you're seeing what you're seeing.

But there is a way to force it to behave the way you want: use a named function expression . A named function expression looks like a declaration but is not due to the function being declared as an expression.

For example, in the following:

var ff = function f () {
    return f.apply(this, arguments);

The value of f is bound at the declaration and will be immune to reassignment. In a named function expression, the function name is only defined inside the expression and therefore behaves more like a closure rather than a variable.

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