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Cannot find instance of dynamically added UserControl .Net

I have a UserControl which I am loading into a div which is inside an UpdatePanel . Here is my code for loading it:

controls.IDLControl IdlControl = LoadControl(@"~/controls/IDLControl.ascx") as controls.IDLControl;
IdlControl.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
IdlControl.ID = "IDLControl";

And here is my code for trying to retrieve an instance of it:

controls.IDLControl IdlControl = RecursiveFindControl(this, "IDLControl") as controls.IDLControl;

private Control RecursiveFindControl(Control targetControl, string findControlId) {
    if (targetControl.HasControls()) {
        foreach (Control childControl in targetControl.Controls) {
            if (childControl.ID == findControlId) {
                return childControl;

            RecursiveFindControl(childControl, findControlId);

    return null;

But, all I get is null. I need help on figuring this out.

AFAIK, I need to re-add the control to the page on pre-init but it is one of the controls that can be added depending on which option is selected from a drop down list (which also is filled dynamically). I am stuck trying to figure out how to make this work.

You can try something like this to add your control back in the Page_Init based on the option selected in your DropDownList .

protected void Page_Init(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (IsPostBack)
        if (drpYourDropDown.Items.Count > 0 && drpYourDropDown.SelectedItem.Text == "yourOption")

private void AddIDLControl()
    controls.IDLControl IdlControl = LoadControl(@"~/controls/IDLControl.ascx") as controls.IDLControl;
    IdlControl.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
    IdlControl.ID = "IDLControl";

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