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Specifying a non-NavigationWindow as the main window in App.xaml

The following XAML in app.xaml works:

    <NavigationWindow Visibility="Visible" Source="MainWindow.xaml"></NavigationWindow>

But changing this to

    <Window Visibility="Visible" Source="MainWindow.xaml"></Window>

Means that I can't specify the Source . Can anyone tell me how to specify the source for a non-navigation window?

Source is Dependency Property on navigation window and not available on Window.

In case you want to make MainWindow.xaml as startup window for your application ie MainWindow of application, you can specify StartupUri on Application itself:

<Application StartupUri="MainWindow.xaml">

In case you need to set Application MainWindow , you have to provide instance of window like this:

<Application xmlns:local="clr-namespace:ActualNamespace">

Replace ActualNamespace with namespace where MainWindow resides.

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