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Hover Over pop up that displays text

I need some suggestions on what I can use for a text pop up that appears when mouse is hovered over certain text.
I have researched many webpages but nothing that I am looking for to be more specific,
I have a table with headers at the top.
I want people to hover over the heading and get a pop up with the definition of the header.
I have currently something working and its kind of simple.
What I was also wondering if there was a way to have the definitions read from a different place?
The definitions will be read from different pages, if I keep it the way that appears now I will have to change the definitions in many pages instead of one centralized place.
Not sure if this makes sense.

It's called a tooltip. One of my favorites is the one in the Jquery ui toolkit.


Best regards.


<div title="My tooltip text">Header</div>

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