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JSF Phase Listener redirect form not iframe

I have this PhaseListener that checks whether the user is still logged in or not after restoring a view. If the session has expired, then I want the entire form to redirect to the /login.jsf page but instead it only redirects the iframe within.

Basically, this is my code in the afterPhase() method:

if (isWebUserLogonOk(session)) {
  NavigationHandler nh = faces.getApplication.getNavigationHandler();
  nh.handleNavigation(faces, null, "loggedoff");

Where loggedoff is a navigation case that takes you to login.jsp page.

The redirect is done as expected but in this particular case I want it to be done for the entire form and not the iframe (JSF rookie talking here).

If you do not want to have a page (eg the login page) shown in an iFrame, a javascript framekiller should solve this.

Add the following code into your login pages head and try again:

<script type="text/javascript">
  if(top != self) top.location.replace(location);

It easily reloads the current page as top page.

Hope it helps...

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