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Doctrine MongoDB find by id

I'm using odm mongo doctrine and I have to document-classes

class Thing
 * @MongoDB\Id
protected $id;

  * @MongoDB\ReferenceOne(targetDocument="Bundle1:Other")
protected $other;


class Other
 * @MongoDB\Id
protected $id;

so in the database a thing looks like :


How can I now query for things where other is a given id ?

                ->field('other')->equals("ObjectId(516c0061975a299edc44b419)")  // <-- ?

This produces a wrong mongo query

MongoDB query: {"find":true,"query":{"other":"ObjectId(516c0061975a299edc44b419)"},"fields":[],"db":"maself","collection":"thing"} [] []

When I use


the query is also wrong

MongoDB query: {"find":true,"query":{"other":"516c0061975a299edc44b419"},"fields":[],"db":"maself","collection":"thing"} [] []

So how can I search for thing where other id equals an objectId ?


->field('other')->equals(new \MongoId("516c0061975a299edc44b419"))

ObjectId is the internal type for Mongo, represented by \\MongoId() in PHP

( But i have also answered in the first topic )

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