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Doctrine Mongodb Id is blank

I have the following code in PostController of my Symfony2 application

$dm = $this->get('doctrine_mongodb')->getManager();

$fields = array('id','title', 'content');
$qb = $dm->createQueryBuilder('AppBundle:BlogPost')

$query = $qb->getQuery();
$blogPosts = $query->execute();

return $this->render('post/list.html.twig',array('posts' => $blogPosts));

And the following in it's view

<ol id="navigation">
    {% for post in posts %}
        <li> {{ post.id }} - {{ post.content }} <a href="{{path('delete')}}?id={{ post.id }}">delete</a> </li>
    {% endfor %}

However, the id field returned to the view is always blank. I tried clearing the cache many times but still the id is blank. Am I doing anything wrong here?

Answering my own question.

It was pretty simple. I didn't have setter/getter for id field in AppBundle:BlogPost entity. Apparently, Doctrine Mongodb uses the getter/setter to populate values from the the db.

UPDATE: It's not Doctrine but Twig template engine which requires the getter/setter.

/** @ODM\Id */
protected $id;

public function setId($valId){

public function getId(){
    return $this->id;

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