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Custom domain constraint in grails

public class Service {

    String reviewChanges
    String comment

    static constraints = {
      reviewChanges (inList:['NO','YES'])
      comment validator: { val, obj ->
        if(reviewChanges=='YES') {
          (nullable:false, blank:false, minSize:1, maxSize:500)
        } else {
          (nullable:true, blank:true, minSize:1, maxSize:500)

Above comment validator does not work for me. I want if reviewChanges field selected YES then Comment field must be Mandatory field else Comment filed Non-Mandatory

The best way working with custom validators would be like this..

static constraints = {
    comment validator: { val, obj,errors ->
        if (obj.reviewChanges == 'YES' && StringUtils.isEmpty(val))  { 

errors.rejectValue will allow you to give proper field errors using propertyName and also you can use it for parameterized error...

errors.rejectValue('propertyName','errorCode',errorArgs as Object[],'defaultMessage')

and define errorCode is message.properties to access errorArgs like

errorCode = This is {0} first parameter being passed as errorArgs.


You could do something like this I think (I haven't tested this, but you get the idea):

static constraints = {
    comment validator: { val, obj ->
        if (obj.reviewChanges == 'YES' && StringUtils.isEmpty(val))  { 
            return "some.custom.validation.key"

Unless there is a requirement to have reviewChanges as a String, I would make it a Boolean field and using Groovy truth, you should be able to do something like:

class Service {

    Boolean reviewChanges
    String comment

    static constraints = {
       comment nullable:true, minSize:1, maxSize:500, validator: { val, obj ->
          if (obj.reviewChanges && (!val)){
             return "comments.required"


using Grails 2.3.3

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