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Removing Special Characters and Numbers for a column in a data frame

I have a data frame:

structure(list(Emp.ID = c(182038L, 191854L), Project.Acquired.Skill = structure(c(2L, 
1L), .Label = c("Architecting (10),Cognos TM1 (4),Support Function (3)", 
"SAS (76),SAS Analytics (76),SAS BI (76),SAS data modeling tool (63),ClearCase (18),SQL (18),SQL Server (18),SQL SERVER 2000 (18),SQL SERVER 2005 (18),Excel (16),Oracle (16),AS400 (10)"
), class = "factor")), .Names = c("Emp.ID", "Project.Acquired.Skill"
), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -2L))

'data.frame':   2 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ Emp.ID                : int  182038 191854
 $ Project.Acquired.Skill: Factor w/ 2 levels "Architecting (10),Cognos TM1 (4),Support Function (3)",..: 2 1  

I have a column which is a factor with value like this Architecting (10),Cognos TM1 (4),Support Function (3) and i need to strip the numbers(0-9),WhiteSpace and the brackets() to get Architecting,Cognos TM1,Support Function . I am facing issues as this was coded as factor.
My output should look like this

Emp ID  Project Acquired Skill
182038  SAS,SAS Analytics,SAS BI,SAS data modeling tool,ClearCase,SQL,SQL Server,SQL SERVER 2000,SQL SERVER 2005,Excel,Oracle,AS400
191854  Architecting,Cognos TM1,Support Function

Use a character class regexp in gsub :

transform(Data1, Project.Acquired.Skill=gsub("\\s[0-9()]+","",Project.Acquired.Skill))
1 182038
2 191854
1 SAS,SAS Analytics,SAS BI,SAS data modeling tool,ClearCase,SQL,SQL Server,SQL SERVER,SQL SERVER,Excel,Oracle,AS400
2                                                                          Architecting,Cognos TM1,Support Function
(data1[,2] <- gsub("\\s\\(\\d+\\)", "", data1[,2]))
# [1] "SAS,SAS Analytics,SAS BI,SAS data modeling tool,ClearCase,SQL,SQL Server,SQL SERVER 2000,SQL SERVER 2005,Excel,Oracle,AS400"
# [2] "Architecting,Cognos TM1,Support Function"
gsub(" ,", ",", strip(Data1[, 2], char.keep=",", lower=F))

## [1] "SAS,SAS Analytics,SAS BI,SAS data modeling tool,ClearCase,SQL,SQL Server,SQL SERVER ,SQL SERVER ,Excel,Oracle,AS"
## [2] "Architecting,Cognos TM,Support Function" 

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