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How to silence Xcode 64bit/32bit warnings, or better, fix them?


    NSAssert2(idx >= 0 && idx <= (self.array.count-1), @"index %d beyond bounds [0 .. %d]", idx, (self.array.count-1))

The above macro causes the following warning:

Values of type 'NSUInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead.

This is in third party code and there are LOADS of these. How do I silence/fix them?

You can still run the app on an iPhone 5S building it for 32-bit only, because the iPhone 5S will run existing 32-bit apps. Many apps will need to wait to start building for 64-bit until library vendors update their code to fix 64-bit issues, and in the case of static libraries to even include a 64-bit build of their code.

There's not really any reason you would absolutely need your code to run in 64-bit right now that I can see, and even if you did, you couldn't guarantee the stability of the third party libraries you're using. So I would suggest you, for the time being, stick with building 32-bit only, and it will run just fine on an iPhone 5S.

If you for some reason did absolutely need to be able to build your app for 64-bit, you'll either have to get the library vendor to update their code, or you'll have to remove it and write your own code to handle what theirs was doing.


To fix this exact warning, in the spots where it has %d , replace them with %lu .

Using NSInteger/NSUInteger may solve your implicit conversion warnings.

I had been using int/long types in my code. If you need to support both 32bit and 64bit processors, this is one way to resolve this

    typedef long NSInteger;
    typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
    typedef int NSInteger;
    typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;

As you can see from the NSObjCRuntime.h it converts the NS types to unsigned/signed int/long based on the LP64 (64bit) flag

hope that helps.

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