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How to refer Knockout.js objects and array of objects in right context

I can´t seem to get this right: http://jsfiddle.net/dPyQy/4/

I want to collect the tags I am entering in the input field for saving. I need to reference the Textbatches as a SelectedText as in RL I need to be able to choose among Textbatches.

var Textbatch = function (data,tags) {
    var self = this;

    self.TextbatchId = data.TextbatchId;
    self.Title = ko.observable(data.Title);
    self.Text = ko.observable(data.Text);
    self.TextTags = ko.observableArray(tags);

    function createTypeComputed(tagType) {
        return ko.computed(function () {
            return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.TextTags(), function (item) {
                return item.Type() == tagType;

   self.managerTags = createTypeComputed(0);

   self.removeTag = function (tagToRemove) {
       self.TextTags.remove(function (item) {
           return item.Id == tagToRemove.Id;

Struggling with the contexts and the objects and everything. I want the chosen tags listed beneath the input-field, and then the debug to show the updated object.

Any help highly appreciated. Thanx.

managerTags evaluates to an array, but you're using it in a text binding which is expecting it to evaluate to a string.

How do you want to display it? As an HTML list (use a foreach binding to loop over the tags), or as a comma (or something)-separated string (use join on it)?

To get a comma-separated string, change createTypeComputed to

function createTypeComputed(tagType) {
  return ko.computed(function () {
    return ko.utils.arrayMap(      
      ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.TextTags(), function (item) {
         return item.Type() == tagType;
      function (item) {
        return item.Name();

Note that if you can count on using an ES5 browser (anything but IE<9) you can simplify the function for the computed to

    return self.TextTags().filter(function (item) {
        return item.Type() == tagType;
      .map(function (item) {
        return item.Name();

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