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ActiveMQ web console - how to point to a hostname or IP address instead of localhost?

有没有办法将ActiveMQ指向诸如https://{ip address}:8161/admin/类的公共IP地址?

If by {ip address} you're willing to accept it's a no-brainer :-)

Since I'm running an Apache on my ActiveMQ box anyway, I ended up adding a VirtualHost and forward to ActiveMQ's Jetty by way of mod_proxy :

    # Change IP above as fits your LAN/WAN.
    ServerName activemq.your.domain

    ProxyRequests On
    ProxyVia On

    ProxyPass        / http://localhost:8161/

Don't forget proper security!

Edit : I got curious and trawled through the ActiveMQ and Jetty config, and it seems obvious that adding

<property name="host" value="your.host.name.or.IP" />


<bean id="Connector" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
    <property name="port" value="8161" />
    <property name="host" value="your.host.name.or.IP" />  <!-- added -->

in conf/jetty.xml does the trick.


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