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Specifiying proxy to sign jars with maven with maven-antrun-plugin

I want to use the following maven-script to sign my jars for a webstart application:

                    <mkdir dir="${project.build.directory}/signedjars" />
                    <signjar destDir="${project.build.directory}/signedjars"
                        alias="server" keystore="src/main/assembly/MyKeystore.jks"
                        storepass="password" preservelastmodified="true" lazy="true">
                            <fileset dir="${project.build.directory}/dependenciesForSign"
                                        includes="*.jar" />

As I am behind a proxy I configured one in the settings.xml and maven can access to the internet. Now I need to contact the tsaurl of the certificate authority. But for the given ant tasks this is not working:

  [signjar] jarsigner: unable to sign jar: no response from the Timestamping Authority. When connecting from behind a firewall then an HTTP proxy may need to be specified. Supply the following options to jarsigner: 
  [signjar]   -J-Dhttp.proxyHost=<hostname> 
  [signjar]   -J-Dhttp.proxyPort=<portnumber>

I tried to provide the proxy information to the ant task but this was not working. In the manual of the Ant Signjar Task I just found: Ant does not yet support proxy setup for this signing process.

How may I get this working? Or do you suggest another way to sign all jars in a folder - of course with proxy support?

尝试使用https而不是http,例如-Dhttps.proxyHost = -Dhttps.proxyPort =

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