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Include PHP in TWIG

I configured my Symfony's 2 project for accepting "twig" and "php" extension in " config.yml ' like that :

    resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing_dev.yml"
    strict_requirements: true
profiler: { only_exceptions: false }    
    engines: ['twig', 'php'] 

But when i include a php file in twig, it doesn't interpreted PHP:

<h1>Reference ROBERT</h1>
<!--?php $name = "Jeremy" ?-->
" Hello "
<!--?php echo $name -->
"! "

But my php file has no comment. :(

There is another part at configured ?


You can't use php in Twig. twig has it's own syntax. Use it or use fully PHP templates!

If you need to call some php functions, write a twig extension.

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