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How to include twig within twig

I need help in including in a twig file, another twig file

For example, I have:


I need to include the filter.twig in the search.twig
But when I use include, it does not render the filter.php
And it gets a lot of 'Undefined variable:'

So how do I do this?

First of all show your code . It's always easier to give right anwser when you see the code.

Use {% include %} for including twig in twig


Based on your description you need to pass requred variables to included twig , something like this

{% include 'filter.twig' with {'foo': 'bar'} %}


In filter twig you can put if ... is defined where you try to access variable

{% if foo is defined %}   
    code where you doing something  with  foo variable 
{% endif %}

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