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How to set Gradle custom ant task classpath?

I have a custom Ant task in my codebase that I need to use from Gradle. There are plenty of examples of how to use a task that is packaged in a jar file, but this is different.

My taskdef should look something like:

    name: 'generator',
    classname: 'MyGenerator', 
    classpath: ???

The classpath should include everything in bin/ (where my code gets compiled to) and all the jars listed in the dependencies section of the build script. How to fill in the blank?

I've tried a few different things, resulting in either obscure messages like The <taskdef> type doesn't support nested text data or typical NoClassDefFoundError .

I think what you want to do is described in the user guide under 'Using custom Ant tasks in your build'

basically you want to declare a configuration , add dependencies to it in the dependencies section and then use asPath in your taskdef classpath

As Perryn Fowler wrote, you should declare a configuration and dependencies section. Here is an example I found: https://github.com/openbakery/gradle-common-plugins/blob/master/webdav.gradle

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