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Construct url in view for Web Api with attribute routing

How can I get the url from web api in my view?

Example (from the msdn-blog ):

public class ReviewsController : ApiController
    // eg.: /reviews
    public IHttpActionResult Get() { ... }
    // eg.: /reviews/5
    public IHttpActionResult Show(int reviewId) { ... }
    // eg.: /reviews/5/edit
    public IHttpActionResult Edit(int reviewId) { ... }

Now I want to construct "/reviews/edit" in my view, how can I do this?

I've tried creating a little extension method, but it requires me to give every route an actual "RouteName". Is there a method I can use (like in MVC) where I can just pass the controller and action?

@Url.Action("Edit", "Reviews)

The method I'm using now (with RouteName) also doesn't allow me to use integers as parameters (unless I pass a default value). If I do need to name all my routes, how can I create a route url, but pass my parameters in the "data"-portion of my request?

Current method:

public static string ResolveWebApiRoute(this UrlHelper urlHelper, string routeName, object routeValues = null)
    var newRouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary(routeValues);
    newRouteValues.Add("httproute", true);

    return urlHelper.RouteUrl(routeName, newRouteValues);


When I used methods like Url.RouteUrl(new { controller = ..., action = ...}) , It redirects directly to that action (eg new { controller = "Reviews", action = "Show"} --> /reviews/show , whilest I want it to redirect to /reviews/...

Generating links to Web API routes always require a RouteName , so you should have something like below:

[Route("{reviewId}/edit", Name="EditView")]
public IHttpActionResult Edit(int reviewId) { ... }

You can then generate a link like /reviews/1/edit to Web API.

Url.RouteUrl(routeName: "EditView", routeValues: new { httpRoute = true, reviewId = 1 });


Url.HttpRouteUrl(routeName: "EditView", routeValues: , reviewId = 1)

Note that route names need to be specified explicitly and they are no longer generated automatically like what @Karhgath is suggesting. This was a change made from RC to RTM version.


Url.HttpRouteUrl("RouteName", new { })

In WebApi2 when using AttributeRouting , route names are named by default Controller.Action , but you could specify a RouteName also:

public class ReviewsController : Controller
    // The route name is defaulted to "Reviews.Index" 
    public ActionResult Index() { ... }

    // The route name is "ShowReviewById"
    [Route("{reviewId}"), RouteName("ShowReviewById")]
    public ActionResult Show(int reviewId) { ... }

    // The route name is by default "Reviews.Edit"
    public ActionResult Edit(int reviewId) { ... }

Then to call it in the view you only need to set the route name and send the parameters as an anonymous object:

// Outputs: /reviews/123
@Url.Action("ShowReviewById", new { reviewId = 123 })
// Outputs: /reviews/123/edit
@Url.Action("Reviews.Edit", new { reviewId = 123 })

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