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Open a app by clicking on a tweet from twitter app on android

I was looking for some way to launch my custom app from a Twitter app by clicking on a specific tweet.

The tweet may contain a link on which the user clicks and my app should be able open up.

As I understand I have two choices to do this with the intents.

  1. Use a "custom-scheme within the data tag" of intent within my application.
  2. Use a "http" scheme, with a specific url in the data tag of the intent within my application.

The problem with the first approach is if I use a custom scheme, the twitter will not recognize it as a link and there for it is not clickable.

The problem with the second approach is that if I have some thing like this in my android application :

<intent-filter . . . >
    <data android:scheme="http" android:host="project.example.com" />
. . .

and suppose if this is the tweet that the user clicks on :

here is the link : project.example.com

The twitter automatically will shorten the project.example.com to suppose say t.co/something

At which point the intent-filter listening to host project.example.com will render useless coz, the link is now shortened.

Except these approaches, I am not able to find the solution to the aforementioned problem.

As I have mentioned initially, all I want to do is open my android app when a user clicks on a particular tweet(Not all the tweets, just the intended tweet). How do I do this?

Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated. TIA

first of all add Intent filter in Manifest to yours Activity (what you will launch):

            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
            <data android:scheme="any.thing.u.want"/>

Second: in your tweets add link


For example, on JS it will be looked as


That's all :) PS: Sorry for my English )

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