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Multiple WebApp projects within the same solution

I currently have a VERY large webapp project, a DAL layer and a BLL layer and two testing projects in a solution together. I would like to start moving away from ASP.NET webforms and begin moving over to MVC4 with Razor.

I have tried going down the hybrid project route by adding in the correct routes, folders and project guid's into the csproj, but, this seems like a bit of a hack.

Is there a way i can have a Webforms project and a MVC4 project within the same solution, and have them play nicely together when deployed. Ie if one cannot handle the request given, the other tries to handle it. This way, i am free to migrate the webforms project to MVC over time.

Is there a way i can have a Webforms project and a MVC4 project within the same solution, and have them play nicely together when deployed

With ONE ASP.Net and VS 2013, you can make Webforms, MVC and Web API play together pretty nicely. Check out this reference.

if one cannot handle the request given, the other tries to handle it.

There is no IN-THE-BOX solution for dynamic switching between MVC and webforms. You have to use concepts like HttpModules or HttpModules or Routing etc., to get to have customized request handling.

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