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C# open page in new tab

I have this code:

string urlAccomodation = ar.GetAccommodationHashURL(
string returnURL = "&url=" + Server.UrlEncode(
string url = "window.open('" + urlAccomodation + returnURL + "_blank')";
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Script", url, true);

What I'm trying to do is open a page in a new tab. It works fine for Mozilla and Internet Explorer but Chrome and Safari are opening this in a new window instead of a new tab. Can you please help ? (I do apologize for my English)

Not sure based in the info provided, and might not help anyway, but you might be mis-formatting the string url= line:

string url = "window.open('" + urlAccomodation + returnURL + "_blank')";


string url = "window.open('" + urlAccomodation + returnURL + "','_blank')";

The target should be a separate argument to the window.open method, eg: window.open('some.aspx','_blank')

From what I know this is browser setting and cannot be controlled from code.

I'm guessing it works on FF and IE because of the proper settings in place.

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