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Unable to download file into directory using WinSCP .NET assembly

I'm implementing the WinSCP .NET Assembly for SFTP functionality. I am able to establish a session, list directories and download files to \\bin\\x86\\Debug , but for some reason I am unable to download files into directory bin\\x86\\Debug\\edi on my local drive.

Download code:

public static List<string> GetSFTP(string host, string user, string password, int port, string source, string dest, string remoteDest)
    List<string> filenames = new List<string>();

    SessionOptions winSCPSessionOptions = new SessionOptions();
    winSCPSessionOptions.HostName = host;
    winSCPSessionOptions.Password = password;
    winSCPSessionOptions.PortNumber = port;
    winSCPSessionOptions.UserName = user;
    winSCPSessionOptions.Protocol = WinSCP.Protocol.Sftp;

    // This is a kind of dangerous setting, but as we do not have the host
    // key fingerprints this allows us to connect without complaint.
    winSCPSessionOptions.GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey = true;

    Session session = new Session();
    RemoteDirectoryInfo remoteDirInfo = session.ListDirectory(remoteDest);
    foreach (RemoteFileInfo fileInfo in remoteDirInfo.Files)
        if (fileInfo.Name.Equals(".") || fileInfo.Name.Equals("..")) { continue; }
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", remoteDest + fileInfo.Name);
            TransferOperationResult result = session.GetFiles(remoteDest + fileInfo.Name, dest+fileInfo.Name);
            if (!result.IsSuccess)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to download!");
                foreach (SessionException ex in result.Failures)
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully downloaded file!");
        catch (Exception e)


    return filenames;

Called via:

GetSFTP("sftp.server.com", "user", "password", 22, "/ProcessedFiles/", "edi/", "/ProcessedFiles/Processed/");

I've tried:

GetSFTP("sftp.server.com", "user", "password", 22, "/ProcessedFiles/", "/edi/", "/ProcessedFiles/Processed/");
GetSFTP("sftp.server.com", "user", "password", 22, "/ProcessedFiles/", "\\edi\\", "/ProcessedFiles/Processed/");
GetSFTP("sftp.server.com", "user", "password", 22, "/ProcessedFiles/", "edi\\", "/ProcessedFiles/Processed/");

In all cases I get a varient of: %2Fedi%2Ffilename.txt downloaded to my working directory, not the specified path.


GetSFTP("sftp.server.com", "user", "password", 22, "/ProcessedFiles/", "edi\\", "/ProcessedFiles/Processed/");

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