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Elegant way to add property to each element in an array

How can I using lodash, with minimum code transform an array like this:



 { squad: 'Alfa'},
 { squad: 'Betta'},
 { squad: 'Gamma'},
 { squad: 'Delta'},

In Lo-Dash (or Underscore):

_.map(['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta'], function (squad) {
    return { squad: squad };

In ES5:

['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta'].map(function (squad) {
    return { squad: squad };

In ES2015:

['Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta'].map(squad => ({ squad }));
    var arrayOfSquads=['Alfa','Betta','Gamma','Delta'];
    var arrayOfThingsThatHaveSquads=new Array();
    console.log("What's lodash?");

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