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getJobNames() in quartz scheduler 2.2.1

We are upgrading from quartz scheduler release 1.8.6 to 2.2.1 .

In 1.8.6 we did this:

String[] jobs = sched.getJobNames(Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP);

How do I achieve this in quartz scheduler 2.2.1 ?

I have tried the GroupMatcher thing, with a TriggerKey match and the sched.getTriggerKeys , but I cannot get it to work.

In quartz 2.0.xa GroupMatcher class was introduced. So, to get job keys you should write something like this:


Have a look at GroupMatcher javadoc: http://quartz-scheduler.org/api/2.2.0/org/quartz/impl/matchers/GroupMatcher.html

By the way, there is a comprehensive migration guide from 1.8.x to 2.0.x on Quartz-Scheduler site: http://quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.x/migration-guide

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