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How to convert string with property name to Entity framework storage expression?

I need to select specific columns from DB using string with property name in Entity Framework. I use reflections to be able pass complex properties:

public static Object GetPropValue(this Object obj, String name)
    foreach (String part in name.Split('.'))
        if (obj == null) { return null; }

        Type type = obj.GetType();
        PropertyInfo info = type.GetProperty(part);
        if (info == null) { return null; }

        obj = info.GetValue(obj, null);
    return obj;

Then I tried to pass this into Select like this:

string propertyName = "ModemStatus.Temperature"  // This is sent in http request
DBContext.MyStatuses.Select(x => x.GetPropValue(propertyName))

But I get runtime exception that GetPropValue can not be converted to storage expression, which I understand but I have no idea how to solve it. Any idea?

EDIT: Return type will always be a collection of doubles

 ICollection<double> values = DBContext.MyStatuses.Select(x => x.GetPropValue(propertyName)) 

I have found the solution using extenstions in System.Linq.Dynamic available at Nuget


Then I can use string predicate in Select operations like this:


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