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How to implement this using static / singleton design pattern?

I want to implement a configuration helper.

The usage will be something like this:

var companyName = ConfigHelper.Company.Name;
var redirectURL = ConfigHelper.URLs.DefaultRedirectURL; 

As you can see in the above examples, I have ConfigHelper which should not require an instance, however it will consist of sub classes (Company and URLs), and here I want access to the properties (not methods).

I want this all done without any class instances required, and not sure if I should be using static / singleton.

I don't need exact code - but I guess a sample would be nice, rather just looking for a point in the right direction.

Thanks in advance.

public static class Company
    public const string Name = "Company Name";

public static class ConfigHelper
    public static readonly Company = new Company();

Yes you're on the right track, ConfigHelper will be a static class and the properties will just be regular classes, but those will be instances.

For example:

public class Company

    public string Name { get; set; }


public static class ConfigHelper

    static ConfigHelper()
        Company = new Company();

    public static Company Company { get; private set; }


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