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KendoUI Datasource when not bound to any controls

I'm using a KendoUI Datasource in several places, some are bound to controls others are not. The call is to a remote web service and can be quite expensive some I'm trying to just execute it first.

The first time I need the data is for a situation where it is not bound to a control.

I call a function similar to this to create the datasouce:

function BuildDS() {
    var DS = new kendo.data.DataSource({
        transport: {
            read: {
                url: "../WS/GetData",
                dataType: 'json',
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                type: "POST"

    return DS;

I then have another function which iterates through the DS.

function GetName(DSIn, fieldID) {


    var visname = "";
    $.each(DSIn.data(), function (idx, vis) {
        if (vis.FIELD_ID == fieldID) {
            visname = vis.DISPLAY_LABEL;
            return false;
    return visname;

I can see that the remote web service is being invoked and returns the data as expected. However the data() property of the DS always returns no data.

When I bind the same datasource to a Kendo control then the data is populated on the DS.

Retrieving the data from the server is an async operation, so when you iterate, this call hasn't completed yet. You should use fetch instead:

  var data = this.data();

  // now you can iterate over data

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