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Closure Compiler: How to compile Chrome extension popup with background reference

I am writing a Chrome extension with background.js and popup.js scripts.

In background.js :

function foo(){
  // Does something

In popup.js :

var backgroundPage = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();

Compiling these two files separate will, of course, break the backgroundPage.foo() reference, because foo gets renamed differently in background.js and popup.js .

I know the "correct" way to fix this would be to export foo in background.js using window["foo"] = foo; , but I would like to avoid exports if possible (to make the code as unreadable as possible).

I've tried compiling both scripts in one run and splitting them into seperate output files using --module :

java -jar compiler.jar
  --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS--js background.js popup.js
  --module backgroundMin:1
  --module popupMin:1:backgroundMin

Not surprisingly this doesn't work, because the compiler doesn't know that backgroundPage in popup.js is the same as window in background.js . I tried annotating using @lends , @borrows and @memberOf , but haven't been able to get it to work.

So my question is: Is it possible to compile both background.js and popup.js so foo() gets renamed - without exporting foo() and without breaking the reference from popup.js ?

Using the --module option is probably the best path - I can't think of a better one.

To get renaming to work correctly, you should be able to extend the Window type:

/** @extends {Window} */
function MyWindow () {}

MyWindow.prototype = window.prototype;

/** @return {void} */
MyWindow.prototype.foo = function() {};

Then in background.js

var backgroundPage =
    /** @type {MyWindow} */ (chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage());

The type cast should work here because MyWindow extended Window .

All of this would be placed in your actual code. Don't use an extern or that will block renaming.

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