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How to add a timer to change text of a JTextPane in java?

I am working on a java program, what I want to implement is once the window loads, the set of text in a JTextPane to change. I have the below code that creates the JTextPane;

JTextPane txtpnReady = new JTextPane();
        txtpnReady.setBounds(181, 39, 169, 20);

I am unsure of how to add a timer that will change the text of this JTextPane, after 2 seconds, I need it to say Ready once the program loads, then after 2 seconds Steady and then after 2 seconds, Go.


You may want to take a look to How to Use Swing Timers trail. You can do something like this:

    Timer timer = new Timer(2000, new ActionListener() {

        private String nextText = "Steady";

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if(!nextText.equals("Go")) {                    
                nextText = "Go";
            } else {



About this:

txtpnReady.setBounds(181, 39, 169, 20);

The use of setBounds() is not a good practice since swing applications must be able to run on different platforms and Look & feels. You should let layout managers do their job and avoid the use of setBounds() and set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size .

Suggested readings:

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