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Javascript validation form with '[]'

Hey guys i'm newbie with javascript.

I can do with input name 'nim' and function form.nim.value ==""

 <script type="text/javascript">
    function validasi_input(form){
      if (form.nim.value == ""){
        alert("NIM still empty!");
        return (false);
    return (true);
    <form name="frm" method="post" onsubmit="return validasi_input(this)">
            <td><input class="textbox" type="text" name="nim" /></td>
            <td><input class="tombol" type="submit" name="SUPDATE" value="submit"/></td>

but i can't do with input name 'vn[nim]' and form.vn[nim].value ==""

 <script type="text/javascript">
    function validasi_input(form){
      if (form.vn[nim].value == ""){
        alert("NIM still empty!");
        return (false);
    return (true);
    <form name="frm" method="post" onsubmit="return validasi_input(this)">
            <td><input class="textbox" type="text" name="vn[nim]" value="<?php echo $vn['nim']; ?>" /></td>
            <td><input class="tombol" type="submit" name="SUPDATE" value="submit"/></td>

How can i do that with 'vn[nim]' ?, Thanks for any help.

document.querySelector("input[name='vn[nim]']").value == "";


Use the bracket syntax instead to access the property value:


Doing this avoids the ambiguity of square brackets being used as array dereferencing.

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