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CakePHP Pagination Routing Issues

Within CakePHP 2 I am using pagination which works great until I see the URL which is page:2, how can I make this ?page=2 ?

The next question is that I use this code for my controller which powers /domain.com/offers/top, /domain.com/offers/newest, /domain.com/offers/popular and then the categories like /domain.com/offers/tv-and-video. The thing is when it is paginated for /domain.com/offers/top instead of being /offers/top/page:2 it goes to /offers/bycategory/top/page:2.

 public function bycategory($slug = null)

    $userId = $this->Session->read("UserAuth.User.id");
    if ($slug == 'top') {
        //Get the top rated offers
        $this->paginate = array(
            'limit' => 15,
            'order' => array(
                'Offer.vote' => 'desc'
    } elseif ($slug == 'newest') {
        //Get the latest offers
        $this->paginate = array(

            'limit' => 15,
            'order' => array(
                'Offer.created' => 'desc'
    } elseif ($slug == 'popular') {
        //Get the most talked about offers
    } else {

        //This is the categories, so just get the category slug.
        $this->paginate = array(
            'conditions' => array('Category.slug =' => $slug),
            'limit' => 15,
            'order' => array(
                'Offer.created' => 'desc'


    $offers = $this->paginate('Offer');

    // pass the value to our view.ctp
    $this->set('offers', $offers);
    $this->set('userId', $userId);



This is my custom route:

array('controller' => 'offers', 'action' => 'bycategory'),

    'pass' => array('catslug')


how can I make this ?page=2 ?

By setting the paramType option in paginator component options as mentioned in manual .

You second issue looks like reverse routing issue. Have you setup any custom routes?

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