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Populate the dropdown based on another input for multiple fields

I want to fetch the dropdown value based on an another input value and also i create the dropdown dynmaically using add button. how can i get the value appropriate.

Select rack name -> want to fetch the droplist of rack series using add button i must want to create many fields like this

Thanks in Advance, Please anybody give the solution for this.

function get_rack_series() {
    var rack = document.getElementsByClassName('rack');
    for (i = 0; i < rack.length; i++) {

This for add function
$(function() {
    var addDiv = $('#addinput');
    var i = $('#addinput p').size() + 1;

    $('#addNew').live('click', function() {
        $('<p><select name="rack[]" id="rack'+i+'" class="rack select_small caps_txt  validate[required]" onchange="get_rack_series();"><option value="">select</option><?php if(isset($get_rack_name)){foreach($get_rack_name as $rck){?> <option value="<?php echo $rck['rack_name'];?>"><?php echo $rck['rack_name'];?></option><?php }}?></select>&nbsp;<span id="rs" class="rs"></span>&nbsp;<input type="text" id="partnumber_' + i +'" name="partnumber[]" type="text" class="input4 validate[required] caps_txt" onblur="get_exists_status();"/><a href="#" id="remNew">Remove</a> </p>').appendTo(addDiv);

        return false;

    $('#remNew').live('click', function() {
        if( i > 1 ) {
        return false;

html code

<td width="263">
    <div id="addinput">
            <select name="rack_name[]" id="rack_name1" class="rack select_small caps_txt validate[required]" onchange="get_rack_series();">
                <option value="">select</option>
                        if(isset($get_rack_name)) {
                            foreach($get_rack_name as $rck)
                <option value="<?php echo $rck['rack_name'];?>"><?php echo $rck['rack_name'];?></option>
            <span id="rs" class="rs"></span>&nbsp;
            <input name="partnumber[]" type="text" class="input4 validate[required] caps_txt" id="partnumber" onblur="get_exists_status();" />

I would say echo all your options and add classes to them of the rack name, then hide and show them onchange .

Trying to hide some options tag with jquery doesn't work IE, Safari and Opera

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