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detect if a class is clicked using jquery



        beforeSend: function(){

        complete: function(){

        success: function(html){




when i click on personalized class the divPersoanlized shows up,,now i want to hide it on again clicking on personalized..how can i do it...

Normally you'd just use toggle() to toggle the element, but in this case you probably don't want to run the ajax call every time


    if ( $("#divPersonalized").is(':visible') ) {


    } else {

            beforeSend: function(){
            complete: function(){
            success: function(html){

For example like this:

$(".Personalized").click(function () {

    var $divPersonalized = $("#divPersonalized");

    if ($divPersonalized.is(':hidden')) {
            // ...
            success: function (html) {
                // Show the div
    else {
        // Hide the div

You can check if div is visible just hide it. You don't need to call the ajax

    //You can use also use $(this).is(':visible')
    if($(this).css('display') !== "none"){

    //Your ajax code

To use the visible selector in jquery. visible doc.

You can try this:


            if($('#divPersonalized').is(':visible')) {


            } else {


                        success: function(html){


You can use toggle method:

 $(".Personalized").toggle(ShowFunction, HideFunction);

    function ShowFunction(){
     // your code goes here
            beforeSend: function(){
            complete: function(){
            success: function(html){

    function HideFunction(){
     // your code goes here.

Use this:




I updated the Demo.

Throwing into the mix, example of separating the concerns ( subjective ) - worth a look.

(function() { /* wrap it to protect globals - optional */

   /* 1) set some variables accessible to all functions, eg */

    var contentdiv = $("#divPersonalized"), /* cache reused static selector(s) */
    hasdataloaded = false;

    /* 2) create a function to handle the data requests */

    function loaddata() {

            type:"POST", url:"personalized.php", cache:false,
            beforeSend: function(){
            complete: function(){
            success: function(html){
                hasdataloaded = true; /* updated the status */

   /* 3) A function to handle the show and hide and checki if data has loaded */
       function toggleDataDiv() {
          contentdiv.toggle(); /* showhide */
          if(!hasdataloaded) {  loadData(); } /* only want to load once */

    /* 4) the event handler */
    $(".Personalized").click(function(){ toggleDataDiv();  });

   /* attach more events to other elements eg */
    $(".someotherelement").click(function() { toggleDataDiv();  });


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