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Find the class of the clicked item using Jquery

I have the following code:

    $(".perf-row").click(function(e) {
      if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a") {
        return true; //link clicked
      } else {
        window.open($(this).attr("rel"));return false;

to the conditional statment of if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a") i would like to also add "OR class is equal to price".

I'm not quite sure how to do that, i can't seem to find the class of the clicked element (which will be a td inside the table row).

i've tried $(this).class , $(this.class) but neither work....

Help would be greatly appreciated!



You could combine both your tests into a single jQuery command:

if( $(e.target).is('.price, a') ) { .... }

That tests if the target is either has the class price , or is an a tag, or is both. If you wanted to test that it was an a tag and had the price class, you would use this:

if( $(e.target).is('a.price') ) { .... }

Update: I may have misread your question. If you were going to add this second test to the same if test, then use my code. If you wanted to add a else if then use the .hasClass method as explained by the other answers.

you can try:


but this will return you names of all the classes applied to the element.

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