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Can I batch rename files with folder name and sequence number?

I can rename the files in all the directories and sub directories using the following script

@Echo OFF

FOR /D /R %%# in (*) DO (
    PUSHD "%%#"
    FOR %%@ in ("index*") DO (
        Echo Ren: ".\%%~n#\%%@" "%%~n#%%~x@"
        Ren "%%@" "%%~n#%%~x@"


is there a way to modify the script, which worked fine for me in the 2nd answer to rename files in a sequence when there is multiple files in the directory?

Like, the folder name is image and I want the files to be named image1.jpg image2.jpg (retaining the extension).. Help is much appreciated

Try this:

@Echo OFF
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /D /R %%# in (*) DO (
    PUSHD "%%#"
    FOR %%@ in ("index*") DO (
        set /a "inc+=1"
        Echo Ren: ".\%%~n#\%%@" "%%~n#!inc!%%~x@"
        Ren "%%@" "%%~n#!inc!%%~x@"


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