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composer installation for laravel laravel

我正在为laravel安装安装composer。但是当它想要php.exe文件时,我无法在c:/ xampp / php文件夹中找到它。我设置了路径变量c:/ xampp / php,但它仍然无法正常工作。帮帮我

If xampp has correctly installed, but you are failing to run PHP it is more than possible that you don't have PHP set in your environment paths.

To set this go to;

Start > right click computer > properties > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.

Under System variables find a variable named PATH , highlight then click Edit... Append the absolute path to your root PHP folder, this could either be xampps located in.


Press Ok, once you've finished; close down any command prompt windows you may have open. Re-open command prompt and run php -v . Hopefully at this point PHP has responded with it's version and license information.

Make sure you have xampp properly installed.

If you add c:/xampp/php to your PATH while you have a console open, you need to open another console, in order for the PATH to be updated.

i think I have that problem one day, i solved uninstalling xampp server and reinstalling it, but when xampp ask you wich folder to install you need to create a new folder:

C://new folder/xampp/.......

If you install/uninstall multiples xampp or wampp versions for some reasons create storage info in the xampp folder, so creating a new folder solve the problem.

You can use this path:


PATH应该是目录,而不是文件,因此您应该将其设置为“ c:\\ xampp \\ php \\”,而不是“ c:\\ xampp \\ php \\ php.exe”

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