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Null Refence in Linked List passing from Java to C#

I just pass this linked list code from java to C# but I keep getting errors in the print method with a NullReferenceException, I am new working with C#, I dont know if the error if in the method or probably it is way that the code is implemented.

Node Class

class SLLNode
    public int info;
    public SLLNode next;

    public SLLNode() { }

    public SLLNode(int el)
        :this(el, null)


    public SLLNode(int el, SLLNode next)
        this.info = el;
        this.next = next;

Linked List Class

class SLList
    protected SLLNode head;
    protected SLLNode tail;

    public SLList()
        head = tail = null;

    public Boolean isEmpty()
        return head == null;

    public void addToHead(int el)
        if (!isEmpty())
            head = new SLLNode(el, head);
            head = tail = new SLLNode(el);

    public void addToTail(int el)
        if (!isEmpty())
            tail.next = new SLLNode(el);
            tail = tail.next;
            head = tail = new SLLNode(el);

    public String print()
        String str = "";
        for (SLLNode tmp = head; head.next != null; tmp = tmp.next)
            str += ", " + tmp.info;

        return str;

Your print() method logic is a bit off in for loop part. It is "incrementing" tmp variable, but check null condition from head.next .

for (SLLNode tmp = head; head.next != null; tmp = tmp.next)
    str += ", " + tmp.info;

Value of head.next is never change, so the loop will never end until something (exception for example) force it to stop. You should check null condition from tmp instead, so I think the loop should've been this way :

for (SLLNode tmp = head; tmp != null; tmp = tmp.next)
    str += ", " + tmp.info;

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