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Spray-json deserializing nested object

How to deserialize nested objects correctly in spray-json?

    import spray.json._

    case class Person(name: String)

    case class Color(n: String, r: Int, g: Int, b: Int, p: Person)

    object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

      implicit object ColorJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Color] {
        def write(c: Color) = JsObject(
          "color-name" -> JsString(c.n),
          "Green" -> JsNumber(c.g),
          "Red" -> JsNumber(c.r),
          "Blue" -> JsNumber(c.b),
          "person-field" -> JsObject("p-name" -> JsString(c.p.name))

        def read(value: JsValue) = {
          value.asJsObject.getFields("color-name", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "person-field") match {
            case Seq(JsString(name), JsNumber(red), JsNumber(green), JsNumber(blue), JsObject(person)) =>
              Color(name, red.toInt, green.toInt, blue.toInt, null) //gotta replace null with correct deserializer
            case _ => throw new DeserializationException("Color expected")


    import MyJsonProtocol._

    val jsValue = Color("CadetBlue", 95, 158, 160, Person("guest")).toJson


    val color = jsValue.convertTo[Color] //person is missing of course

On a side-note, how to spray-json help serializing to a map of fields (with nested map for nested objects)?

The example below demonstrates JSON -> Abstract Syntax Tree -> Scala Case Classes and back with custom field names and support for optional case class members. The example is derived from the spray-json documentation at https://github.com/spray/spray-json for version 1.2.5.

package rando

import spray.json._

case class Color(name: String, red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int)

case class Team(name: String, color: Option[Color])

object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val colorFormat = jsonFormat(Color, "name", "r", "g", "b")
  implicit val teamFormat = jsonFormat(Team, "name", "jersey")
import MyJsonProtocol._

object GoSox extends App {
  val obj = Team("Red Sox", Some(Color("Red", 255, 0, 0)))
  val ast = obj.toJson
  println("""{ "name": "Red Sox", "jersey": null }""".asJson.convertTo[Team])
  println("""{ "name": "Red Sox" }""".asJson.convertTo[Team])

The example outputs the following when executed:

Team(Red Sox,Some(Color(Red,255,0,0)))
  "name": "Red Sox",
  "jersey": {
    "name": "Red",
    "r": 255,
    "g": 0,
    "b": 0
Team(Red Sox,Some(Color(Red,255,0,0)))
Team(Red Sox,None)
Team(Red Sox,None)

To your remaining question - how to reuse JSON conversions within a wrapping type:

"person-field" -> JsObject("p-name" -> JsString(c.p.name))

I would change this to:

"person-field" -> p.toJson

This way, you are letting the Person case class JSONify itself, instead of introducing another way in the wrapping object. DRY and simpler.


case Seq(JsString(name), JsNumber(red), JsNumber(green), JsNumber(blue), JsObject(person)) => 
  Color(name, red.toInt, green.toInt, blue.toInt, null)

Use the .convertTo[Person] here:

case Seq(JsString(name), JsNumber(red), JsNumber(green), JsNumber(blue), jsv) => 
  Color(name, red.toInt, green.toInt, blue.toInt, jsv.convertTo[Person])

If there are problems, please ask for more help. I have similar structure in my own project but didn't try to run them in this context.

import models.{Address, Patient}
import spray.json._

object Hospital {

  object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
    implicit val address = jsonFormat(Address, "country", "state", "zip")
    implicit val patient = jsonFormat(Patient, "name", "regNumber", "address")

  import MyJsonProtocol._

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val p1 = Patient(name = "Amar", regNumber = 234, address = Address("IN", "KA", 49))



  "address": {
    "country": "IN",
    "state": "KA",
    "zip": 49
  "name": "Amar",
  "regNumber": 234

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