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Clone Gephi Toolkit from git to eclipse using EGit

I want to clone the Gephi ToolKit to Eclipse using EGit. I follow the exact same steps as with other projects that I cloned successfully. [Import --> Projects From Git --> Clone URI and I c/p the clone url]. Unfortunately I get 75 errors, some of them are:

ArtifactDescriptorException: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.gephi:dynamic-impl:jar:0.9-SNAPSHOT: UnresolvableModelException: Failure to find org.gephi:gephi-parent:pom:0.9-SNAPSHOT in http://bits.netbeans.org/maven2/ was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of netbeans has elapsed or updates are forced

ArtifactDescriptorException: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.gephi:ranking-api:jar:0.9-SNAPSHOT: UnresolvableModelException: Failure to find org.gephi:gephi-parent:pom:0.9-SNAPSHOT in http://bits.netbeans.org/maven2/ was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of netbeans has elapsed or updates are forced

Missing artifact org.netbeans.api:org-netbeans-modules-keyring:jar:RELEASE721

Missing artifact org.netbeans.modules:org-netbeans-modules-masterfs:jar:RELEASE721

Also the src folder seems to be missing.

I faced similar problem.

Gephi uses some artifacts from the Netbeans repository page, which looks unavailable: http://bits.netbeans.org/maven2/ (checked 2015-05-11) :(

I solved the problem by manually copying maven dependencies cache from ~/.m2/org/netbeans/... and ~/.m2/org/gephi/... from a machine where everything was set up before.

查看此分步教程(从2012年开始,可能并不新鲜): http : //wiki.gephi.org/index.php/Running_from_Eclipse

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