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Ember.js: how to set associated model via select box

My app has two models Url and UrlType and I want to select UrlType via select box. How do I do that? Here is the jsbin where I tried to reproduce the scenario, though this.get('store') do not work :( But the idea must be pretty clear.


Few things with your jsbin.

  • this.store din not work as you have not mentioned your adapter like this

      App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter; 
  • You din not return in the model return .

Though you have got around what you wanted, I have made a jsbin that might have what you want. http://emberjs.jsbin.com/saxuy/1/edit



You could set the url_type attribute of your url model directly like this in your template.

{{view Ember.Select content=urlTypes optionLabelPath='content.caption' selection=url_type}}

If there was a url_type set for the model, it will be the selected option.

Looks like your logic is working just fine


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