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HTML encode/escape with Rails with provide function

I would like to have the title Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App | Foo's Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App | Foo's in my new.html.erb page. My layout is :

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title><%= full_title(yield(:title)) %></title>  
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: "all", 
    "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>
    <%= javascript_include_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>
    <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
    <%= render 'layouts/header' %>
    <div class="container">
        <%= yield %>

my new.html.erb :

<% provide(:title, "Foo's") %>
<h1>Sign up</h1>
<p>Find me in app/views/users/new.html.erb</p>

But my title is wrong :


How can I do it ?



module ApplicationHelper

  # Returns the full title on a per-page basis.
  def full_title(page_title)
    base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
    if page_title.empty?
      "#{base_title} | #{page_title}"

I ran into this exact same thing and discovered a safer solution than using html_safe .

First, the method:

def full_title(page_title)
  base_title = "".html_safe
  base_title << "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
  if page_title.present?
    base_title << " | "
    base_title << page_title

This escapes page_title if it is unsafe, but leaves it unescaped if it is safe.

This allows "Foo's" to display properly, but also escapes "<script>alert('foo')</script>" -- for instance, if some malicious user manages to enter custom text into a field that is displayed in a title tag, or if you ever accidentally use risky text yourself.

The explanation boils down to this -- 'foo'.html_safe returns an ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer which acts like a String in every way except one: When you append a String to a SafeBuffer (by calling + or <<), that other String is HTML-escaped before it is appended to the SafeBuffer. When you append another SafeBuffer to a SafeBuffer, no escaping will occur. Rails is rendering all of your views under the hood using SafeBuffers, so the updated method above ends up providing Rails with a SafeBuffer that we've controlled to perform escaping on the page_title "as-needed" rather than "always".

Now, the credit for this answer goes entirely to Henning Koch, and is explained in far more detail at Everything you know about html_safe is wrong -- my recap above attempts only to provide the essence of the explanation in the event that this link ever dies.

I have found :

just add .html_safe in my full_title function

module ApplicationHelper

  # Returns the full title on a per-page basis.
  def full_title(page_title)
    base_title = "Ruby on Rails Tutorial Sample App"
    if page_title.empty?
      "#{base_title} | #{page_title}".html_safe

You're using a custom helper : full_title , that displays a base name followed by a | character then what you provide.

If you want only your title, you should do :

 <title><%= yield(:title) %></title>  

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