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PowerMock Java URL using EasyMock

I have the following code...

public void wrapSoapTest1() throws TransformerConfigurationException, IOException {
    RequestUtil r = new RequestUtil(SAMPLE_REQUEST_BEFORE.getBytes(),"");
    URL url = PowerMock.createNiceMock(URL.class);
    EasyMock.expect(url.openStream()).andReturn(IOUtils.toInputStream(XSLT, "UTF-8"));
    Assert.assertEquals(SAMPLE_REQUEST_AFTER, new String(r.wrapSOAP()));

When I run this though I get the following error....

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: java/net/URLStreamHandler.openConnection(Ljava/net/URL;)Ljava/net/URLConnection;
at java.net.URL.openConnection(URL.java:957)

Is there a way to mock a URL and send a custom string as the response?

I have TestNG, PowerMock and EasyMock and only difference is that I had to add @PrepareForTest({ MyTestedClass.class }), in my case MyTestedClass is UrlScreenRequest.

    public class UrlScreenRequestTest  extends PowerMockTestCase {
    public void testValidatePermission() throws Exception {
      URL url=PowerMock.createNiceMock(URL.class);
      HttpURLConnection connection = createMock(HttpURLConnection.class);
      PowerMock.replayAll(url, connection);
      UrlScreenRequest request = new UrlScreenRequest(url);

If you use PowerMock you must ensure that your test case is annotated with @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) . Than you must tell PowerMock to prepare the URL class for the test ( @PrepareForTest({ URL.class }) ) and you should use PowerMock.expectLastCall() instead of the EasyMock methods. At least you must put the mock into the replay mode.

This should work.

@PrepareForTest({ URL.class })
public class SoapTest {
    public void wrapSoapTest1() throws TransformerConfigurationException,
        IOException {
        RequestUtil r = new RequestUtil(SAMPLE_REQUEST_BEFORE.getBytes(),"");
        URL url = PowerMock.createNiceMock(URL.class);
        PowerMock.expectLastCall().andReturn(IOUtils.toInputStream(XSLT, "UTF-8"));
        Assert.assertEquals(SAMPLE_REQUEST_AFTER, new String(r.wrapSOAP()));

My version looks like this...

private URL mockURL() throws IOException{
    final URLConnection mockConnection = PowerMock.createMock(URLConnection.class);
    InputStream i = IOUtils.toInputStream(XSLT, "UTF-8");
    final URLStreamHandler handler = new URLStreamHandler() {
        protected URLConnection openConnection(final URL arg0)
                throws IOException {
            return mockConnection;
    return new URL("http://foo.bar", "foo.bar", 80, "", handler);

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