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How to generate pydoc documentation for Google Cloud Endpoints method?

I have a set of APIs that were developed using Google Cloud Endpoints. The API methods look something like this:

@endpoints.method(message_types.VoidMessage, SystemAboutResponse, name="about", http_method="GET")
def about(self, request):
    Returns some simple information about the APIs.

    return SystemAboutResponse(version=API_VERSION)

I would like to use pydoc to generate documentation for the module that contains this method. However, when I do this, the docstring is not preserved due to the use of the endpoints.method decorator.

I have seen answers to other questions that show how to use functools.wraps (eg Python decorator handling docstrings ) when writing your own decorators so that they will preserve the docstring of decorated methods. Is there some way to do this with Google Cloud Endpoints decorators, since I won't have control over the code for these decorators?

I ended up making a local modification to a copy of the endpoints library. The change is in api_config.py, specifically the apiserving_method_decorator function of the method decorator. I added the @wraps decoration to the invoke_remote function contained within apiserving_method_decorator :

def method(request_message=message_types.VoidMessage,
    # ...

    def apiserving_method_decorator(api_method):
        # ...

        def invoke_remote(service_instance, request):
            # ...

I then make sure that this locally modified copy of the endpoints library is in my PYTHONPATH when I run pydoc.

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