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OWIN - Customizing UserManager

I had to customize the UserManager class to find and authenticate users in the company structure (mixes Active Directory Authentication with another Oracle Authetication). Though I have implemented the FindAsync and CreateIdentityAsync , the user is not set as authenticated.

My UserManager implementation:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Security.Claims;
using System.Web;
using MyProject.Common;
using MyProject.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MyProject.Infrastructure
    public class GNUserManager : UserManager<ApplicationUser>
        public GNUserManager(IUserStore<ApplicationUser> store) : base(store)


        public override async Task<ApplicationUser> FindAsync(string userName, string password)
            /* Performs some logic here that returns true */

            if (foundUser) {
                return await Task.Run(() => new ApplicationUser
                    UserName = userName, 
                    Id = userName

            throw new Exception("User not found.");

        public override async Task<ClaimsIdentity> CreateIdentityAsync(ApplicationUser user, string authenticationType)
            IList<Claim> claimCollection = new List<Claim>
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.UserName),
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Country, "Brazil"),
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, user.UserName)

            var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claimCollection, "Company Portal");

            return await Task.Run(() => claimsIdentity);  

What is lacking to have my user authenticated?

Try changing this line.

 var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claimCollection, "Company Portal");

To this

var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claimCollection, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);

That should generate your cookie for you that is needed.

The UserManager manages the user identity in the database as well as validating credentials. In short, it's a DB lookup tool. To get the user "logged into" your app, you need to issue some sort of token (like a cookie for browser apps, or a token for api apps). The most recent approach in ASP.NET is with the Cookie Authentication Middleware for browser apps. See here for more info on the cookie middleware:


Looking at the SignIn method created by an ASP.NET MVC 5 default project we can see this code:

private async Task SignInAsync(ApplicationUser user, bool isPersistent)
    var identity = await UserManager.CreateIdentityAsync(user, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);
    AuthenticationManager.SignIn(new AuthenticationProperties() { IsPersistent = isPersistent }, identity);

What we can notice is that AuthenticationManager wich is one who takes care of autenthication sign in, after we get the identity also is needed to SignIn with the AuthenticationManager . So maybe your problem is not with UserManager .

The AuthenticationManager instance in the Controller class is retrieved by this code:

private IAuthenticationManager AuthenticationManager
        return HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication;

Oracle Data Provider for .NET当前不支持异步查询和保存。

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