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Sed to replace a word from another file content

Hi I am looking some help for sed from gurus , basically i git two files

First :- serial.txt
second :- info.txt

file serial.txt has a unique information. and file info.txt has

and more and more

I want to replace user word with the info stored in first file serial.txt.

假设serial.txt包含一行信息,用于info.txt 所有行:

 sed -r 's/\?u=[^:]+:/\?u='"$(tr -d '\n' < serial.txt)"':/' info.txt

If your serial.txt file contains a name, then you can try something like this:

$ cat serial.txt 

$ cat info.txt 

$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1];next}{for (name in a) {sub(/u=.*:/,"u="name":")}}1' serial.txt info.txt 

Using sed

sed -r "s/(u=user:)([^\"]*)/\1${var}/" info.txt

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