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What is the name of this syntax “(x, y)”?

I recently read a javascript code and I came across this line:

var myVar = (12,5); // myVar==5 now

What is this strange syntax : (x, y) ?

Comma Operator: ,

The comma operator , has left-to-right associativity . Two expressions separated by a comma are evaluated left to right. The left operand is always evaluated, and all side effects are completed before the right operand is evaluated.

The expression:

var myVar = (12, 5);

is equivalent to:

var myVar = 5;

Note, in above expression parenthesis overwrites precedence of , over = , otherwise without parenthesis an expression like var myVar = 12, 5 is equivalent to var myVar = 12 .
Edit: There can be following reasons I guess that you find this expression:

  1. When first expression has some side-effects:

      var myVar = ( expression1, expression2); 

    The expression1 may have some side effects that may required before to assign the result of expression2 to myVar , eg var mayVar = (++i, i + j); In this expression incremented value after ++i will be added with j and result will be assigned to mayVar .

  2. Bug fixed or bug:
    May be some bug fixing/or during testing instead of assigning x developer wanted to assign y but forgot to remove ( ) before public relies.

     var myVar = (x, y); 

    I also find a typo-bug in which questioner forgot to write function same and instead of writing

     var myVar = fun(x, y); 

    his typo:

     var myVar = (x, y); 

    In the linked question .

This is not JavaScript link but very interesting C++ link where legitimate/or possible use of comma operators was discussed What is the proper use of the comma operator?

it is called Comma Operator, we usually use them when we want to run 2 statement in one single expression, it evaluates 2 operands (left-to-right) and returns the value of the second one.

check it here: comma operator

And read this question if you want to know where it is useful.

This is called the comma operator .

The comma operator evaluates both of its operands (from left to right) and returns the value of the second operand.

Here are some examples:

 var a = (12,3) //a =3;
 var b = (a+2, 2) //a=5, b= 2
 var c = (a,b) // a= 5, b=2, c=2.

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