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EasyMock + PowerMock : How to mock field?

Let's look at this piece of code :

    public class A {

        public void doSmth() {  // pay attention - void method
           // impl

    public class B {
       private A a_instance; // null

       public void doSmthElse() {
          a_instance.doSmth(); // NPE here without mock
          // also do smth. else

Now, I have B b = new B(); and I want to test b.doSmthElse() , but I need to create a mock for a_instance object before, otherwise I will get NullPointerException ! How can I achieve this with EasyMock or PowerMock ???

public void testDoSomething()
    // setup: sut
    B b = new B();
    A mockA = EasyMock.createMock(A.class);
    b.setA_instance(mockA); // If you have a setter

    // setup: expectations

    // exercise

    // verify

public void testDoSomething_setUsingReflection()
    // setup: sut
    B b = new B();
    A mockA = EasyMock.createMock(A.class);
    // Set the collaborator using a Spring reflection utility
    ReflectionTestUtils.setField(b, "a_instance", mockA);

    // setup: expectations

    // exercise

    // verify

You can use

Easymock.expectLastCall(); //for void methods this is how it is done

instanceName can be mocked or actualInstance.

If u can make the method static then it is easier with powermock


All static methods get mocked directly

Word of Caution:- Converting a method to static can have issues in other parts.Do it carefully

Hope it helps. All the best!

I don't see a reason why PowerMock is required here. You can achieve that with EasyMock itself.

public void testDoSmthElse() {
    A a = EasyMock.createMock(A.class);
    EasyMock.expect(a.doSmth()).andReturn(/*some value */);

    B b = new B();
    Object whatever = b.doSmthElse();

    assert(); // psuedo-line. Add whatever assertion required

Note: Import appropriate classes

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