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How can I enable both http and https endpoint?

I am accessing the service which has is setup in the WAS server that

allows both http and https endpoint access. How can I modify same in my app.config file?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="WebServiceUrl1" value="http://vissvc-  test.e.corpintra.net/VisSvcNative/VisService"/>
<add key="LogoutUrl" value="http://login.e.corpintra.net/internal/logout"/>
<defaultProxy >
  <proxy autoDetect ="True" />
    <binding name="SoapBinding">  
      <customTextMessageEncoding encoding="UTF-8" messageVersion="Soap11" />  
  <endpoint address="http://vissvc-test.e.corpintra.net/VisSvcNative/VisService"
            binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="SoapBinding"                contract="ServiceReference1.VisServicePortType" name="VisService" behaviorConfiguration="behavior" />      

I am using .net c# 4.0

You might need to add <httpsTransport> under <httpTransport> as well.

Take a look at MSDN for more information on the <httpsTransport> tag.

EDIT: What I mean is there should be another binding configuration for the <httpsTransport> , for example:

     <binding name="SoapBinding">
        <httpTransport />
     <binding name="HttpsSoapBinding">
        <httpsTransport />

Also note that these binding names have to match that on the server configuration.

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